God has a big heart. Mine's small, but He offers His, and it's a shame when I don't take it.
Yesterday He reminded me of this, through my friend Hailey. She doesn't know Jesus that well, but she sure knew what He was saying, and how to apply it to life! She told me of times when God's spoken to her, and of how she intentionally shows God's love to people she meets, and teaches people to ask God for signs.
Yesterday He reminded me of this, through my friend Hailey. She doesn't know Jesus that well, but she sure knew what He was saying, and how to apply it to life! She told me of times when God's spoken to her, and of how she intentionally shows God's love to people she meets, and teaches people to ask God for signs.
I knew I had a lot to learn from her. It's not an 'us, them' situation, it's a 'us, and God' situation. Always.
Last night we were supposed to have our normal 'Thursday Nigh Awesomeness' chill time, but it snowed hard all-of-the-sudden (it never does this in November), so everyone cancelled, except for Hailey.
We had some good, one-on-one with each other, and Jesus story time. As God showed me before hand, we read the story of Lazerus rising from the dead.
We had some good, one-on-one with each other, and Jesus story time. As God showed me before hand, we read the story of Lazerus rising from the dead.
Hailey wants to come more y'all, 'the harvest is ready, the workers are few!'
There's a whole bunch of people out there who'd LOVE to chill, hang out, and read Jesus stories, and talk about God, life, and anything!!!
That reminded me... Gotta start talking about God to the people I now work with @ the gas station.
Sometimes it's hard to DE-limit God from only being at certain places! :)
God is everywhere, and with me at all times, and my 'mission field' is WHEREVER I GO!!!!
Jesus said: "GOOooo!! And make DESCIPLES, people! Just go and do it!" Not in those exact words, but translated to now'a'days, it's probably accurate.
He didn't say, "ONLY go to certain places, that I specify, and then when you get there find a whole bunch of random people, and get them to fill out forms and come to other certain places, and then get them to say certain words, and then tell them to do certain things, wear certain clothes, talk certain ways, eat certain foods..."
He just said step a) Go. Get. Get on. Skat. Scoot.
And then step b) make disciples and baptize em.
That's it.
How 2 make disciples? Just look at how Jesus did it, it's not that hard. Just live, and share His love, basically... go where they're at. Get in their lives, be with the people, not a fake person trying to sell something, but just a regular person living, and learning, and being in/with God.
Thank you Jesus. PS: He'll never leave you.